Friday, October 23, 2009


Preface – We must apologize… it’s day 5 and I can finally start our blog. You would think that there would be plenty of time to sit and type on the laptop but I think it’s almost been more work taking care of Mom, managing the abundance of “stuff” in the motor home, stepping over the dogs and working out the squeaks and rattles of a new “used” motorhome. We are traveling across America or should I say diagonal in a 31 foot Gulfstream Yellowstone Class C motorhome and it takes some getting used to. We hope you enjoy reading about our travels from Marathon in the Florida Keys all the way to Victoria, British Columbia, Canada… 7200 miles round trip. Let’s see how close we are to that. Please ignore the typos, spelling and grammar errors.

Oh and one last thing to mention… we were having a hard time thinking of just the right name for our blog. Well it just seems fitting to start out by Trippin’… on the afternoon we were going to start our adventure that we had been preparing for at least a month, Maye to you, or Mom to us, tripped at the Dog Park Barktoberfest event. She went down hard, landed her left hip, elbow and immediately got the largest goose egg on her forehead that I have ever seen. This was approximately 12:55 pm on Sunday, October 18th. Drew rushed her to Fishermans Hospital where they did a complete examination and tests. NO broken hip. NO fractured skull. NO broken bones. At 89 years old, Maye is one tough woman. By the time she was released, the egg had already started to drain into her eye and cheek. Lots of ice packs and we were on the road at about 4pm.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cora! Great blog! I love the pictures...please keep it up. We miss you here in Marathon, but looks like you are having a fabulous time wherever you are!
